Rainy Lake Boat Taxi

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does RLBT travel during the night?

The short answer is NO. Exemptions can be made in the event of an emergency situation eg. Medical emergency, or boat tow during the night.

Can the boat taxi cross to the American side?

Yes it can pick up or drop off on the U.S. side. Clearing customs will be necessary at boat check in locations. Check border wait times on our
link page and save yourself some time.

The first trip to the cabin is so much work?

Let RLBT haul your load for you and save you some work.

The lake level is rising so fast and i am worried about my dock floating away?

The Boat Taxi staff can deliver large water containers and place them on your dock and maintain them during the high water.

We are having a large get together at the cabin and how is every one going to get there?

Simple, call RLBT and let us bring the guests to the party and get them home safely afterwards.

We have family coming to visit and looking for something fun to do?

Take a tour of the lake or have the Taxi drop you off at Sandpoint and pick you up a few hours later.

Back in our younger years it was so much easier getting to the cabin?

Leave your boat at home. No need to pay docking,launching and fuel costs.
Let RLBT pick you up at the landing, take you to your cabin and pick you up a couple of days later and take you home.

Contact Rainy Lake Boat Taxi Today
807 274 6381